Organizational Change

Extreme Positivity – A Follow Up

While thinking about the keynote address about Positivity at Agile 2011 (and my previous post), I was reminded of one of the doormen at our offices in Chicago. Once in a while at the end of the day, he stands right in the middle of the main hallway that everyone needs to pass through in […]

Organizational Change

Extreme Positivity – Agile 2011 Keynote

Being intentionally and overwhelmingly positive. While I think most of us try to be positive most of the time, the Positive Emotions keynote address from Barbara Fredrickson reminded me to take it to another level and decide to be a positive force everyday. Being positive generally means focusing your thoughts and actions on others, not […]

Organizational Change

The First One

Welcome to the first post for my new blog, Illustrated Agile.  One of my goals with this blog is to share many of the insights, ideas, hurdles, random thoughts, and most importantly, my sketches from the organizational changes I have been a part of over the years.  Most, but not all, of these transformations have […]